Letters and News Articles

  • Goddard's Law

    A comprehensive explanation of the existing laws in Ohio.

  • I hope that this letter finds you in good health and high spirits as we enter a fresh start for 2024. I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a deep sense of outrage over the tragic and senseless death of Brunson, an abused bait dog who was subjected to unimaginable torture in Dayton, Ohio. I implore you to help uphold justice and extend compassion to other innocent animals, like Brunson was, and am asking for your help in ensuring that the individual(s) responsible for his needless suffering be fully held accountable in the eyes of the law.

    Brunson’s story has captured the hearts of animal lovers from our local community to Texas, England, France and even Australia. He was rescued by Our Farm Sanctuary in Trotwood, Ohio on December 12, 2023, where he had been found seeking shelter ¼ of a mile down the road from the last known address of his previous owner, who he was microchipped to, in horrific body condition. Brunson’s new life began that day with me. However, despite my best efforts and excellent local veterinary care, on December 16, 2023, the joy and hope that had accompanied his rescue and previous 5 days was shattered when he succumbed to his injuries and infections. He was safe, warm, had a full belly, was in his brand-new Christmas pajamas and was looking at Christmas lights with me. The pain and suffering he had endured was simply too much for his tiny body to overcome. As a result of Brunson’s tragic story, I feel it is our duty as a society to ensure that justice is served.

    I am asking for your assistance in having a thorough investigation into this heinous act of animal cruelty started. It is essential to our community that those responsible for Brunson’s condition and premature death be brought to justice and that those responsible face the full weight of legal consequences for their depraved actions.

    Furthermore, I urge you and your fellow Representatives to reassess and strengthen the existing laws and penalties for animal cruelty in our great state of Ohio. The punishment for such depraved acts must be severe enough to act as a deterrent and to send a clear message that animal abuse in any form will not be tolerated in our communities. Stricter legislation and enforcement of these laws are necessary to protect our beloved companions, as well as our community. There is a disturbing link between dog fighting and domestic violence, as numerous studies have shown that individuals involved in dog fighting are more likely to engage in other forms of violence, including violence against their partners or family members. Recognizing and addressing this connection is crucial for the well-being and safety of our community members.

    In addition to seeking justice for Brunson, it is imperative that we also focus on prevention and education. I urge you and your fellow Representatives to allocate the necessary resources towards initiatives that promote responsible pet ownership, while raising awareness about animal welfare and providing support for animal rescue organizations.

    The tragic death of Brunson has ignited a wave of public outrage and demands for justice. I implore you to listen to the voices of countless individuals who are advocating for justice on behalf of this innocent soul. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that his death was not in vain, and that decisive action is taken to prevent such acts of cruelty from continuing to happen.

    I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter, as justice delayed is justice denied. Your commitment to addressing this issue and holding the perpetrators accountable will not only bring me personal comfort, but it will provide solace to his thousands of grieving supporters worldwide. I look forward to your swift action in seeking justice for Brunson and in working together towards a future where no animal has to suffer the same cruelty. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

    Kristen Tilton
    Brunson’s Mom

  • While Goddard's Law allows for crimes against companion animals to be charged as either a felony or misdemeanor, oftentimes charges are never brought at all. This must change. Below is the current letter I have sent with my proposal to strengthen the existing laws, and for securing Brunson's legacy while fighting to ensure this horrific story is never repeated.

    Convicted Felons Who Harm Animals Should Be Charged with a Felony in Ohio

    Animal cruelty is an abhorrent act that not only inflicts immense suffering on innocent creatures but also poses a threat to society. While laws in Ohio currently exist, the punishment for these offenses needs to be strengthened. Convicted felons who harm animals should be charged with a felony in Ohio to ensure that justice is served, to protect both animals and humans, and to send a clear message that these acts will never be tolerated in our communities.

    Animal cruelty is not a trivial offense; it is a serious crime that reflects a disturbing lack of empathy, and a disregard for life. By charging convicted felons who harm animals with a felony under Goddard's Law, Ohio can recognize the gravity of these acts. Elevating the charge to an automatic felony sends a strong message that society considers animal cruelty to be one of the most reprehensible acts deserving of severe punishment.

    Numerous studies have established a strong correlation between animal cruelty and violence towards humans. Individuals who harm animals often escalate their behavior, posing a significant threat to society. Charging convicted felons with a felony for animal abuse can help identify cases where the perpetrator may pose a danger to humans as well. It allows law enforcement to take appropriate action, potentially preventing further acts of violence.

    Increasing the punishment for animal cruelty to a felony serves to discourage potential offenders from engaging in such acts. Stricter penalties can help prevent the occurrence of animal abuse incidents by instilling fear of severe consequences. By making it clear that Ohio takes animal cruelty seriously the State sends a strong message that it will never be tolerated.

    Laws and penalties should reflect society's values and moral compass. Ohio, as a compassionate and empathetic state, should stand firmly against animal cruelty. By charging convicted felons who harm animals with a felony, the state stands with the ethical principles of its' citizens.

    Convicted felons who harm animals should be charged with a felony in Ohio to ensure justice, protect both humans and animals, deter offenders, and reflect the values of Ohio's society. Strengthening the punishment for animal cruelty sends a clear message that these acts will not be tolerated, which will ultimately promote a safer community for all.

  • I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to you as a concerned citizen, animal advocate, and the human mom of Brunson the bait dog to draw your attention to a pressing issue that requires immediate attention- the need for a comprehensive reform of animal cruelty laws in our great state of Ohio.

    As an animal advocate, I firmly believe that the way a society treats its animals reflects its values and compassion. Unfortunately, our current animal cruelty laws in Ohio fall short in protecting the welfare of the innocent creatures that share our planet. It is incredibly disheartening to witness acts of cruelty and abuse towards animals, and it is our responsibility as a society to take a stand against these acts.

    I urge you to consider the importance of strengthening and updating Ohio’s animal cruelty laws. The existing legislation lacks the necessary provisions to adequately punish individuals who engage in acts of cruelty towards animals. It is imperative that we close any and all loopholes to ensure that those who commit acts of cruelty are held fully accountable for their actions.

    Specifically, I am seeking the following changes to our animal cruelty laws:

    1. Increase Penalties: The current penalties for animal cruelty offenses are woefully lacking and must be increased to deter offenders. Our laws must send a clear and strong message that these barbaric acts will not be tolerated in our state.

    2. Define and Recognize Animal Abuse: The law should clearly define what constitutes animal abuse, ensuring that all forms of cruelty and neglect are included. This will be key in helping to prosecute offenders and provide better protection for animals that is universal in the state instead of county by county.

    3. Mandatory Reporting: It is imperative to establish a mandatory reporting system for veterinary staff who suspect animal cruelty cases that is accessible statewide. This will encourage individuals who witness or suspect animal abuse to report it promptly, leading to timely intervention.

    4. Education and Awareness: Initiating educational programs that emphasize the importance of animal welfare and responsible pet ownership will help foster a culture of compassion towards animals. By raising awareness, and having an open dialogue, we can help prevent acts of cruelty before they occur.

    5. Felony Charges for Convicted Felons: Convicted felons who harm animals should be charged with a felony in Ohio to ensure justice, protect both humans and animals, deter offenders, and reflect the values of Ohio's society. Strengthening the punishment for animal cruelty sends a clear message that these acts will not be tolerated, which will ultimately promote a safer community for all.

    I under that legislation takes time and effort, but I firmly believe that together we can make a difference and create a more compassionate society for animals in Ohio. I kindly request your support and assistance in championing these changes to our animal cruelty laws. By working together, we can ensure that our state becomes a model for animal welfare and protection.

    I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you or your staff to discuss this further. Please let me know if there is a convenient time and date for this to occur. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


    Kristen S. Tilton

  • An investigative piece into Brunson’s story and animal cruelty in the Dayton, Ohio area.
    Brunson's Story

    Five fast facts to know about the story
    Brunson's Story 5 Fast Facts

  • Animal cruelty and domestic violence are interconnected forms of abuse that often coexist within the same household. Research shows that individuals who engage in domestic violence are more likely to engage in animal cruelty as well.



